Integrated Power Systems > What is MPPT and Why We Use It


MPPT charge controllers increase charge current by harnessing more PV (photovoltaic) power from the solar panel. A conventional charge controller simply connects the solar panel to the battery. When the battery is discharged, it will limit how much power the solar panel can deliver.

MPPT technology operates the solar panel at its optimum voltage where it can produce the greatest amount of power rather than at the battery voltage. The greater amount of power harnessed from the panel is then provided to the battery as increased charge current.

The actual charge current increase you will see varies primarily with solar panel temperature and battery voltage. In comfortable temperatures, power increase typically varies between 10 to 25%, with 30% or more easily achieved with a discharged battery and cooler temperatures.

The MPPT charge controllers we use also have temperature compensation to properly adjust the voltage for the batteries. This increases battery life and charging efficiency.

MPPT Graph


Using MPPT will save you money by gaining up to 30% more power from your solar panels.

For example:
If you take a 140 watt solar panel with a standard regulator, you will typically get between 100 to 110 watts depending on the battery voltage.

The same 140 watt solar panel with a MPPT charge controller, will capture and utilize the missing power, giving you the maximum efficiency of your panel and the best ratio of dollar per watt.

Why would you pay for a 140 watt panel and settle for only 100 watts of power? It just doesn’t make sense!

The increased wattage more than off sets the additional cost of the MPPT Maximum Power Point Tracking.

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Phone: 250-769-2843
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